No need to "Contact Us for a quote". All of our pricing information is readily available on this page. Here's a breakdown of its key principles:

Try it before you buy it - Our CAD plugins come with a free 14-day trial. Plus, all our products offer monthly subscriptions so you can try the products with a minimum investment before you commit to an annual subscription.

Start small, and grow when you are ready - Most of our customers begin with monthly subscriptions of 10 organization seats and 1-3 Revit and Rhino plugins licenses. Then transition to an annual subscription with more seats and licenses after a couple of months.

Get one-month free discount with an annual subscription - This provides a cost-effective option for long-term users.

Upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your subscription at any time - You have full control over your subscriptions and can adjust it as your needs change. Pollination offers a variety of plans, allowing you to customize your bundle based on your specific requirements.